
Thursday, March 3, 2011

ready... set... blog.

Well, hello, peeps.

I wish I could say this was my first dabble into the online world of blogging. But really, I'd call myself a BAB (born-again blogger), as I had kept up a diary-style journal online for years before I realized it was a bad idea (whine, whine, whine). 10 years, in fact. That alone makes me feel ancient. It was just 2001 that I was updating about my aspirations of becoming an English teacher, the latest "poetry" I had written, and sadly, the cringe-worth inner workings of a high school student, all the while posting horribly depressing lyrics in the spaces between paragraphs. Please tell me you've all heard "Adam's Song," by Blink 182?

Anyhow, I've decided to throw that all away for a new, up-to-date internet persona. I swear, just logging into Livejournal turns me into a 13-year-old with wet cheeks and a chest full of secrets. Blah. So here's this... a new beginning.

I thought I'd start out with a dedication of sorts. My gerbil: Winston Aesop Peachtree. He certainly needs more play in the internet world--the world in general. It's obvious by the way he scratches at his cage all night, as if suddenly the glass will give up and crack open for him. In reality, he wouldn't last too long in the Real World; there are too many natural predators. Besides, I'd have him found too soon (just by following the trail of nearly invisible poops.) If people number-two-ed like gerbils, we'd have a lot more to worry about than soda cans and Snickers' wrappers.

My first blog, yay! Now all I need to do is make sure the gerbil has enough toilet paper rolls to shred to keep him busy for the rest of the night... 

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